
Revolutionize Your Body with SculpSure Contouring Treatment

Experience a transformation with our non-surgical SculpSure body contouring designed to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas like the belly, love handles, thighs, etc. Customize your treatment plan for desired results and witness a slimmer, confident you.

Say goodbye to stubborn fat, all while maintaining the integrity of your surrounding skin. At Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, we combine innovative technology with our expert techniques to help you achieve a natural-looking, slimmer figure without surgery or downtime. Start your journey towards a healthier, more confident you today.

SculpSure: Innovative Body Contouring

Discover a slimmer, more confident you with our SculpSure body contouring treatment. This non-surgical procedure targets stubborn fat areas such as the belly, love handles, thighs, back, and under the chin. We’ll tailor a treatment plan to your custom needs, helping achieve a naturally slimmer appearance.

SculpSure is the final push you need to say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to the toned body you’ve always wanted. Your perfect shape is just a treatment away at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa.

Frustrated with stubborn fat areas resistant to diet and exercise? SculpSure precisely targets these areas to help you achieve a more contoured and toned physique. With SculpSure at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, you can finally conquer persistent problem areas.
Say goodbye to the fear of surgical procedures with SculpSure. This non-invasive treatment eliminates stubborn fat without any incisions or anesthesia. You’ll walk out of our spa feeling revitalized, with absolutely no downtime.
Time is precious, and we respect that. SculpSure sessions are designed to be efficient, lasting only about 25 minutes. Achieve your body goals without disrupting your schedule at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa.
At Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, we understand that every body is unique. Our dedicated professionals tailor each SculpSure treatment plan to best meet your needs and desired results. From start to finish, your journey to a slimmer you is personalized.

Popular Treatment Areas

Achieve a natural-looking, slimmer silhouette with our SculpSure treatment. This non-surgical body contouring targets difficult areas such as the belly, love handles, back, thighs, and even under the chin.

We customize your treatment to fit your desired results, helping you take a significant step toward reaching your body goals.

The abdomen is one of the most common areas where stubborn fat tends to accumulate. Our SculpSure treatment selectively targets and destroys fat cells in the belly, paving the way for a flatter, toned midsection. Say goodbye to unwanted belly fat and hello to a sleeker silhouette.
Bid adieu to pesky love handles with our SculpSure treatment. We focus on this challenging area, breaking down fat cells to markedly reduce their appearance. Start your journey towards a smoother, more contoured figure with us.
A lean, toned back can significantly improve your overall physique. Our SculpSure treatment targets and eliminates pesky back fat, helping you gain the confidence to flaunt any outfit. Achieve a slimmer, more defined silhouette with our tailored treatment plan.
Shapely thighs are within reach with our SculpSure treatment. We target stubborn fat pockets in the inner and outer thighs, helping you get one step closer to your body goals. Experience the joy of toned, sculpted thighs with Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa.
Achieve a defined jawline with our SculpSure submental treatment. We target the problematic area under the chin, eliminating fat cells to enhance your profile. Experience the transformation with us and say goodbye to double chin woes.

Pre & Post-Treatment Tips

For an optimal SculpSure fat reduction treatment experience, preparing for your appointment is essential.

Pre-appointment, remember to hydrate well. This allows your body to efficiently respond to the treatment. Also, ensure you have a healthy diet and maintain regular exercise to keep your body in peak condition. On the day of the procedure, wear comfortable clothing. Although SculpSure is a non-invasive treatment, we want to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible during your visit.

Post-appointment, continue to hydrate and maintain a balanced diet and exercise regimen. This recovery routine not only promotes healing but also aids in flushing out the fat cells broken down during the treatment. Light exercise, such as walking, is encouraged as soon as you feel comfortable. However, avoid rigorous activity immediately after the procedure to give your body time to recover.

Maintaining overall wellness helps prolong and enhance the results of your fat reduction treatment. Listen to your body and follow these pre and post-appointment tips for the best SculpSure experience at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about our SculpSure fat reduction treatment? We’ve got all the answers! Our FAQ section provides detailed information on this non-surgical body contouring treatment. Discover how it works, what to expect, and the amazing results you can achieve with us at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

SculpSure is a non-invasive body contouring system that’s designed to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas such as the belly, love handles, thighs, back, and under the chin.

The treatment uses light-based technology to heat and destroy fat cells under the skin without affecting the skin’s surface. Over the following weeks, these damaged fat cells are naturally eliminated from your body through your lymphatic system. Each session lasts about 25 minutes, and many people see optimal results after a series of treatments.

At Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, we customize SculpSure treatment plans based on your desired results.

The ideal candidate for SculpSure treatment is someone who is close to their ideal body weight but has some stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Please remember that this treatment isn’t a weight-loss solution, but rather a body-contouring process designed to help slim and define areas of the body. It’s recommended that candidates have a BMI of less than 30 for best results. During your consultation at Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, we’ll discuss your goals and determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment.

SculpSure treatments are designed to reduce fat cells in the treated areas significantly. Results may start to show as early as 6 weeks following treatment as the body begins to eliminate the destroyed fat cells, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks.

It’s important to note that results can vary from person to person based on individual body type and other factors. At Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa, we pride ourselves on helping our clients achieve their desired results in a safe and effective manner.

Explore Our Other Services

Explore our range of other services, from laser hair removal, rejuvenating facials, botox and dermal fillers to relaxing body
massages. Embrace beauty and wellness with Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa today!

Transform Your Body with Breeze

Ready to shed stubborn fat without surgery? Our non-invasive SculpSure Fat Reduction Treatment can help you achieve a slimmer, more confident appearance. This revolutionary procedure targets problem areas like belly, love handles, thighs, and even under the chin.

Start your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Visit Breeze Laser & Medi-Spa today – where we understand your needs and customize treatments to deliver desired results!